We’re excited about the new year with CEO Insights. If you are on the mailing list in either the Tuesday or Thursday groups, here are a few things to expect.
- You’ll receive a meeting invite for all monthly 12 regular meetings of the new year.
- Please just accept the meetings in your calendar so you have them there.
- Approximately 1 week before each monthly meeting you will receive a note to confirm your attendance for that month’s meeting
- You are welcome to join the meetings of the other group if you are interested in that month’s topic. It is on a space available basis. (The Tuesday group typically meets on the 2nd Tuesday and the Thursday group meets on the 3rd Thursday in general)
- In CEO Insights, every seat counts. Due to the virus fears, we have been less strict about attending a minimum of six of the 12 meetings.
- If a seat becomes available in one of the groups for a new member, we will request your recommendations of CEOs that you think would be a good contributor to the group.
Thank you everyone for making 2021 another great year of business, connections, and insights to executive leadership of some of Japan’s best organizations.